KV&O RS11 #431 switching out a couple bad orders.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Car Float

After a few months of the car float being on the back burner and plans to remove it completely. I read an article where a steel mill used a car float to move cars loaded with slabs to its rolling mill on the other side of the river. So this put new light on the car float operations.

The car float base is made out of a MDF step and other details. The car float apron was made from a Atlas bridge and styrene strips and sheets.


  1. Anh em xem đơn vị nào bán sắt thép Việt Nhật uy tín nhất? Bảng báo giá thép Việt Nhật

  2. Did that plastic tablecloth come with the waves, or how did you make them ??
    Looks good!!!
